For the 2025 Conference (May 27-30), we are pleased to announce that Poetry by the Sea is sponsoring a special Jane Caruso Memorial Scholarship.
Thanks to a donor’s generosity, we are able to offer a full scholarship to a poet-educator who would like to deepen their commitment to poetic craft.
The scholarship recipient is entitled to full conference registration, including attendance at panels, readings, receptions, and the banquet; room and board (transportation and travel expenses not included); and participation in a three-day workshop of the recipient’s choice.
The eligible applicant will be a poet-educator (1) who is currently employed, part-time or full-time, at a community college, two-year or four-year college, or university, (2) whose total length of time teaching (as of May 27, 2025) does not exceed five years, and (3) who can commit to attending the entire four-day Conference.
We are excited to be contributing to education for young poets and to the poetry community generally through this scholarship. The application deadline is March 1, 2025. Please see below for information on how to apply.
How to Apply
- Please submit your application by midnight March 1, 2025.
- Put all the application information (see below) in a SINGLE document (Word document or PDF).
- Use this format for your document’s filename: Firstname_Lastname (e.g., Emily_Dickinson).
- Email the document to the scholarship coordinator at
Application Information (single document; items in this order)
Page 1. Contact Information and Eligibility Statement
- Your full contact information
- The institutions where you teach and how long you have taught there
- A bio of 50-100 words
- Reference: Contact information for a person who can serve as a reference
Page 2. Personal Statement: A short statement (300 words max.) discussing the impact you believe attending the Conference will have on your writing practice and/or your teaching.
Pages 3+. Writing Sample: Three original poems, published or unpublished. (Poems must be the original work of the author, must not have been created using AI, and should not exceed two pages each.)
Questions? Contact the Scholarship Coordinator:
Nicole Caruso Garcia
Vice President, Poetry by the Sea, Inc.