Kim Bridgford, Founder & Director (1959-2020)
We remember with deep love and admiration our Founder and original Director, Kim Bridgford. She was the former Director of the West Chester Poetry Conference, the editor of Mezzo Cammin and founder of The Mezzo Cammin Women Poets Timeline Project. Bridgford was the author of many books of poetry, including Bully Pulpit, a book of poems on bullying; Epiphanies, Doll, and the recently released A Crown for Ted and Sylvia.

Anna M. Evans
Anna M. Evans gained her MFA from Bennington College and has received Fellowships from the MacDowell Artists’ Colony and the Virginia Center for the Creative Arts. She currently teaches at West Windsor Art Center and Rowan College at Burlington County. Her collection, Under Dark Waters: Surviving the Titanic, is available from Able Muse Press, and her sonnet collection, Sisters & Courtesans, is available from White Violet Press. Her website is annamevans.com.

Nicole Caruso Garcia
Nicole Caruso Garcia is the author of Oxblood (Able Muse Press 2022), a finalist for the Able Muse Book Award and the Richard Wilbur Award. Her work has appeared in Able Muse, Best New Poets, DIAGRAM, Crab Orchard Review, Light, Measure, Mezzo Cammin, ONE ART: a journal of poetry, the Orchards, PANK, Plume, the Raintown Review, Rattle, RHINO, Sonora Review, Spillway, and Tupelo Quarterly. Garcia serves as an associate poetry editor at Able Muse. Visit her at www.nicolecarusogarcia.com.

Linda Stern
Linda Stern co-published the poetry magazine Endymion and, more recently, was associate editor of the online poetry journal Umbrella. She is the author of Why We Go by Twos, a book of poems from Barefoot Muse Press. She co-hosts a reading series in Manhattan, where she lives and works.
Poetry by the Sea would like to recognize six former Advisory Board Members who have now moved on to other projects. Thank you for helping to make the first years of the conference possible: